7 Things You Should Always Make Copies of For an Easier Life

In the digital age, you’d think we’d have less paper flying around, right? Wrong. It turns out some things still scream for a good old-fashioned copy. Here’s a rundown of the absolute must-copies that will keep you sailing smoothly through life.

1. Real Estate Deeds – Your Home’s Birth Certificate

Think of your real estate deeds like the birth certificate of your home. It’s that important. Losing this can be the adult equivalent of losing your toddler in a supermarket—panic mode! A copy ensures that if the original ever goes on an unexpected journey, you’re not left trying to prove you own your slice of Earth. Plus, should you decide to sell the place and buy your dream home (or a yacht, who’s judging?), you’re gonna need that paperwork handy.

2. Your Passport – Because Midnight Flights to Paris Wait for No One

Ever tried to book a spontaneous trip to Paris but spent hours turning the house upside down looking for your passport? Yeah, keep a copy. It won’t get you through customs, but it will make replacing a lost passport quicker than you can say “croissant.” Also, a pro tip for the adventurous: keep a digital copy in your email. It’s like an international insurance policy!

3. Medical Records – More Useful Than You Think

Got allergies? A condition that requires special medication? Keeping a copy of your medical records accessible can be a lifesaver in emergencies. It’s also super handy when you change doctors more often than your car oil and need to prove that yes, you do need that weird medication that sounds like a Harry Potter spell.

4. Insurance Policies – Because Adulting is Hard

Home, car, life, pet—insurance comes in many flavors, each as important as the next. A copy of these policies can save you the heartache of losing everything to a freak accident or a rogue BBQ fire. Know what’s covered, and what’s not, and keep a copy where you can easily lay your hands on it. Digging through boxes while your kitchen floods or your car is mysteriously missing its tires is not the way to go.

5. Your Will – Morbid, But Crucial

Okay, talking about your will might be as fun as a root canal, but it’s necessary. Having a copy of your will—and letting someone you trust know where it is—can ensure your earthly possessions (including that signed baseball collection) go exactly where you want them to. No family feuds are necessary!

6. Tax Returns – The IRS Remembers

Tax returns are like that one guest who overstays their welcome. Keep copies of the last seven years, because you never know when the IRS will come knocking for a nostalgic trip down your financial memory lane. Plus, they’re incredibly handy for mortgage applications, loan approvals, or proving your income when you finally decide to become a freelancer and travel the world.

7. Educational Certificates – No, Mom, I Really Did Graduate

Diplomas, degrees, certificates—frame, flaunt, and, most importantly, copy them. These papers are your ticket to proving you sat through years of exams and came out the other side. Useful for job applications, visa requirements, and quieting skeptical relatives at family gatherings.

Making copies might sound tedious, but it’s less about duplicating your paperwork and more about duplicating your peace of mind, so it’s worth sparing some time to do just that!

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