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My Plans For December: Last Month of 2020

We’re almost there folks.

2021 is right around the corner, and December is bound to be a busy month. With finals, blogmas, holidays, and wrapping up this unexplainable year, this month will be entertaining at least.

So let’s dive into my calendar for this wintery month. : )


It’s that time of the year again. And I don’t mean the holiday season. Say hello to the dreaded finals. But because of the circumstances, finals schedules are weird this year.

Not only is the pandemic a major stress component, but the fact that this one exam could be the final thing determining your grade. It is what it is.

Anyways, a major part of the first half of this month will be occupied by me studying.

If you’re on the search for any good studying hacks, look no further. How to stop struggling with studying- use these tips. (ft. Pinterest) (it’s a friend link btw : )


Yup, I’m doing Blogmas this year. It’s actually my first time, and this very post your reading is for the 2nd day of Blogmas. Hopefully, I can manage to post every day. I have a content calendar full of wintery posts, so follow me for notifications.

And I’m planning on having a weekly round-up email sent highlighting all my posts for that week. If that’s something you’re interested in, sign up for my newsletter below!

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    I’ll also tweet every day about new posts so don’t miss that!

    Follow me on Twitter here: @the_lazygal


    It’s also this time of the year. The anticipated holidays. Because of travel restrictions and such, the holiday season this year will be unusual.

    But stay home. I would rather miss this year, then a whole decade. Looking at how cases keep rising, staying home is the best thing to do this month.

    But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. Bake cookies, and call your loved ones. Wear oversized hoodies and fuzzy socks. Drink hot chocolate and watch your favorite holiday movies.

    Curl up in front of your fireplace, and listen to comforting music. Romanticize your life.

    I’ll certainly be busy baking, writing, and ordering gifts. (Not that they take that long, but procrastination, my friend.) My plan is to have all my gifts ordered a week before Christmas and to have everything in order.

    Saying goodbye to 2020, and hello to 2021

    Photo by Danil Aksenov on Unsplash

    This has been a mind-boggling year. I can barely remember the interior of Walmart. Oh, to shop, virus-free. And the wretched journey that has brought us all here. It’s time to say farewell to 2020 and look forward to this upcoming year.

    Yes, we still have a few weeks left. But to wrap my mind around all this will take some time. 2020 seemed like the longest and shortest year, I have ever experienced. And I hope that 2021 will be fabulous for everyone.

    Counting down to 2020 on New Year’s Eve seems just last month but a decade ago as well. In a few weeks, 2019 will be two years ago.

    My idea of approaching saying farewell is journaling and blogging this away. We’ve come a long way from January 1st, 2020. But we’re all here at the end together. What are you doing to prepare for 2021? Let me know in the comments.

    Conclude Of My December Goals

    So, my plans consist of me writing for Blogmas, studying for finals, planning for the holidays, and welcoming a new year.

    I’ve actually been using ClickUp to organize my life recently, and I’m planning on doing a review post on it next month. So let’s see how that goes.

    Another big thing that’s going to take up my time is marketing. I’ve started using Pinterest and Twitter to boost my traffic, and I’m experimenting with tools like Later and Hootsuite.

    Let’s see how that goes, I’ll keep y’all updated. I would love to know your plans for December! Let me know in the comments. If you enjoyed the post, please share it and sign up for my newsletter.

    *And a special congratulations to Elliot Page

    Take care. (⌒∇⌒)

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